Kaohsiung City-高雄市養殖漁業發展協會

Kaohsiung City Aquaculture and Fisheries Development Association


No. 54-2, Yonghua Rd., Yong’an Dist., Kaohsiung City 

Tel : 07-6916-990 Fax : 07-6916-992

The history of Groupers culture in Taiwan has last for nearly 30 years, culminating to mature technology and reaching up to over 10,000 tons of production per year, becoming the leading fishing nation in the world. Since Yungan Township accounted for the largest share of domestic aquaculture, its distribution center supplies Groupers and Milk Fish directly from the professional fish-farming districts to the consumer market.


Milk Fish Crisps;Dried Shredded Fish

虱目魚酥 、魚脯魚酥、魚脯是傳統佐餐佳味。高雄永安、蚵仔寮一代養殖的新鮮虱目魚製成的魚酥和魚脯,香濃爽脆,風味絕佳。
Featured products: Groupers, Milk Fish, Tilapia, Japanese Sea Bass, Giant Tiger Prawn and Grey Mullet Fish Crisps and Dried Shredded Fish serve as a traditional side dish to accompany the main course. They were manufactured at Yungan and Ketzuliao fish farming districts in Kaohsiung County. The flavored, tender and crispy delicacy encased within can hardly be described.

【虱目魚、無刺虱目魚肚】Milk Fish Belly (without bone)

Kaohsiung is endowed with quality water and moderate climate that form an adorable environment for promoting aquaculture. Most of all, it is of HACCP quality standard compliance that meet the processing and export requirements. Consequently, the sub-product production deriving from various seafood processes has turned out to be thriving and prosperous.


Raising Groupers in Taiwan emphasizes the aquaculture control and safety certification procedure. Once a mature coordinate mechanism is practiced, the quality and quantity of hatchery bred fry will be stable. On the other hand, brackish-water culture and efficient quality control are operated in manmade ponds. The taste of Grouper’s fillet is beyond words and suitable for being steamed or boiled in the soup. Furthermore, the fish skin contains “colloidal“ that is nutritious, thick and soft. Groupers, understandably, belong to the high-class consumption fish in the whole market.

中華民國養殖漁業發展協會 : http://www.fish1996.com.tw/index.html
