Tainan City Nanxun-社團法人臺南市南瀛養殖生產協會

Association of Tainan Nanxun Aquaculture Production Association

電話:06-7824-569 傳真:06-7823-096


No. 67-40, Pinghe Lixi Pingyu, Xuejia District, Tainan City

社團法人台南市南瀛養殖生產協會養殖用水取自於曾文烏山頭水庫純淨無污染的天然水源,並致力於推動無用藥養殖方法,從養殖場到餐桌的嚴格品質把關,不僅通過HACCP國際認證,更於201077日,成為台灣第一取得「全球良好農業規範(GLOBAL G.A.P.)」國際認證之漁民團體,使台灣「養殖產業」達到國際水準,提昇台灣水產品的國際競爭力,整合產銷供應鏈更有效發揮產業最大功能。


學名: Tilapia SP.


台灣鯛 (吳郭魚) 肉質具彈性、適合燒烤,做成生魚片或油炸也非常受歡迎。台灣是全球養殖吳郭魚的領導者,以整尾冷凍及冷凍魚排為出口大宗,生魚片也漸受青睞,美國、沙烏地阿拉伯、加拿大、英國及科威特是最大輸入國。

Production sites: Hualian, Yunlin, Tainan, Chiayi and Pingtung

Tilapia, also known as Mouthbreeder, is delicious and chewy and its fillet can be roasted, grilled, sliced as Sashimi or even stir-fried. Taiwan is the leading country that cultures Tilapia and mostly exports a whole frozen fish or fillet. Lately, people incline to order fresh Tilapia made as Sashimi. United States, Saudi Arabia, Canada, England and Kuwait are main exporting countries.


社團法人台南市南瀛養殖生產協會04.jpg【白蝦】Penaeus vannamei

學名: Letopenaeus vannamei

Penaeus vannamei is one of the three major shrimps cultured in the world. It has excellent endurance, resistance towards diseases and osmotic adjustment of low salinity. Besides, it consists of rich nutrients such as protein, Vitamin A, phosphorous, and calcium etc. The shell of Penaeus vannamei is thin and tender, its meat delicate and taste the best when simmered or steamed.



學名: Anguilia Japonica



Production sites: From the south of Changhua to PingtungJapanese and Asian strongly believed that eel carries an incredible effect on body nourishment dating back to ancient times. It is due to eel’s highly nutritious protein, vitamin B2 and calcium, in which EPA helps to prevent cardio-vascular disease and slows down the aging process. No wonder Eel has been the most successful product exported with a large volume of delivery. The stewed eel with Chinese herbs and Japanese Grilled Eel are peculiarly two favorable dishes in local restaurants.

中華民國養殖漁業發展協會 : http://www.fish1996.com.tw/index.html
