Yilan County-宜蘭縣養殖漁業生產區發展協會


Yilan County Aquaculture and Fisheries Production Area Development Association


No. 35, Lane 308, Section 1, Tobin Road, Tou Town, Yilan County

Tel : 03-9777-900 Fax : 03-9772-047

產地介紹 : 宜蘭位於台灣東北部最精華區,向來就以好山好水聞名宜蘭平原,這裡不但水質優良,汙染源特少,更以休閒觀光的發達吸引了無數人潮,像大塭觀光休閒養殖區的紅蟳料理與新水休閒漁業示範區的草蝦、泰國蝦不只肥美味鮮,更是垂釣休閒等戶外活動的好去處!

Production site: Situated at the most fertilized north-east region of Taiwan, Yilan is well known for its beautiful scenery and natural environment. Due to the excellent and pollution-fee water quality, Yilan plans diversified cultural events and culinary delicacies that attract thousands of tourists. For instance, the Mud Crab from Dawen and the Grass Prawn, Giant River Prawn from Shinshui not only seduce your appetite, but also your fishing desire!

Featured products: Lang-Yan Mud Crab, Sweet Fish, Small Abalone, Giant Tiger Prawn, Sea Bass, Grouper, Penaeus Vannamei, Kumura Prawn, Seaweeds and Milk Fish.

【蘭陽蟳】Lan-Yang Mud Crab


A gift box of Lan-Yang Mud Crab is doubtlessly welcomed all year-round, not to mention paying a visit to Dawen to taste the steamed and fried Mud Crab right on the spot. The luxurious flavor will linger on your tongue for a long time!

【草蝦】Giant Tiger Prawn

Giant Tiger Prawn used to be one of the most successful bred species in Taiwan fishing industry. It is claimed as the largest shrimp of the fastest growing speed, consequently earning Taiwan the credit of being the “Giant Tiger Prawn Empire” worldwide.

【香魚】Sweet fish

Prefering to live in clean and cold running water, Sweet Fish is able to be successfully cultivated in Hualian and Yilan fish farms. Owing to the algae being the staple of its diet, cooked Sweet Fish has a slight fragrance. Numerous gourmets enjoy savoring its finest meat and smoothest taste. It becomes an indispensable high-quality food material in the local restaurants.

【斑節蝦】Kumura Prawn

This species is originated from Japan, Australian and the east coast of Africa. Recently, it was introduced into Taiwan market and produced in large quantity along the coast. Kumura Prawn is of huge size and the price is favorable in the market. Prawns are mostly grilled to a perfect color, smell, and taste, and also fried with green onions to serve a celebrated dish on the customer’s order list. In general, prawns bred on the natural habitat are sold as fresh product or in frozen form. Regarding the artificially bred prawns, they are mainly sold fresh in winter.

中華民國養殖漁業發展協會 : http://www.fish1996.com.tw/index.html
